World Trade & Investment Network

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World Trade & Investment Network

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World Trade and Investment Network


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Date(s) - 10/09/2015 - 12/09/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,Astana, KAZAKHSTAN




The economy of Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia. It possesses enormous oil reserves as well as minerals and metals. Kazakhstan is an upper-middle-income country with per capita GDP of nearly US$13 thousand in 2013.

Construction industry especially infrastructure and landscaping sector nowadays is experiencing a real boom and presents a lot of opportunities for investors. The country created a dynamic and competitive market and managed to attract considerable foreign investments in the industry.

As an oil-rich country Kazakhstan’s Flower&Urban market’s unlimited potential makesKAFUEXPO is the most powerful trade and communication platform for all contructi on, flower and landscaping professionals. Kazakhstan is the fastest growing industrial and hightech economy in Central Asia.

Make your plan to exhibit at the new edition of KAZAKHSTAN KAFU EXPO 2015  between 10th  and 12th of September in Korme Exhibition Center in Astana-Kazakhstan.

