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BIO 2015

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Date(s) - 15/06/2015 - 18/06/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,Philadelphia, USA


BIO 2015

Welcome to the German Pavilion at BIO 2015

Germany is one of Europe`s most important players in the field of biotechnology.

  • Germany is home to about 570 dedicated biotech companies and 190 non-dedicated companies that are also active in the field of biotechnology. Altogether 35 000 employees work in this sector.
  • The sales volume of the dedicated companies alone is worth almost EUR 3 billion. R&D investment was around 900 Mio. Euro in 2013.
  • Germany ranks third in worldwide patent applications in biotechnology. One fifth of all biotech patents registered in the EU region are from Germany.
  • The majority of German Biotech companies are dedicated to the development of drugs or new methods in diagnostics.
  • Germany is the largest producer of biopharmaceuticals within the EU and ranks second worldwide behind the US. In 2013, the turn-over with biopharmaceuticals was 6 billion Euro which accounts for 20 percent of the whole German pharmaceutical market.
  • Germany is one of the world`s leading industrial biotechnology nations.
  • In more than 200 research facilities in Germany, scientists are busy pursuing biotechnological questions and issues. These include 61 universities, 39 technical colleges, 105 non-academic research facilities and 9 sites of state department research.
  • Several science and innovation clusters have been established as centers for expertise. The largest of them are settled around Munich, Berlin and North-Rhine Westfalia.

At BIO 2015 in Philadelphia around 50 German companies and institutions will present themselves with their ambitious product developments and services in the 18th German official presentation at BIO annual convention. These companies and institutions are convinced that their products and ideas will be received with great interest.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the AUMA_Association of the German Trade Industry, theGerman Biotechnology-Industry-Organization BIO Deutschland and the German Association of Biotechnology Industries of the German Chemical Industry Association (DIB) welcome you to the official German Presentation at BIO 2015 in Philadelphia.

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