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World Trade and Investment Network

Kitchen & Bath China 2015

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Date(s) - 03/06/2015 - 06/06/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,Shanghai, China


Kitchen & Bath China 2015

Welcome to the German Pavilion at the Kitchen & Bath China 2015!

For German suppliers of bathroom, installation and heating products the Kitchen & Bath China 2015 is the most important platform to meet potential customers such as planners, architects, distributors or installers. For the eighth time a joint official presentation of 15 German companies takes place on the occasion of the KBC in Shanghai.

At first glance, China has improved its situation on both private and public toilets in terms of hygiene and technical standards in recent years. However, there is still room for improvement in particular with regard to water consumption and water quality. Water scarcity and the unequal allocation of water in China are still severe environmental problems which affects the lives of everybody. The per capita consumption of water accounts about 460 liters in China (in Germany only 125 liters). Modern water saving systems (e. g. flushing systems with water stop function) or showers can contribute to reduce water consumption in private households.

Dealing responsibly with water is one of the most important global aims of the 21st century. The German sanitary industry offers a variety of technical solutions which do justice to this aim and the claim to be sustainable. Under the banner “Blue Responsibility”, 15 German brand name manufacturers want to make the general public aware of their “comprehensive technological competence when working with water”. The logo, “Blue Responsibility – Sustainable Sanitary Solutions”, serves as an optically unifying element and therefore as an identifying feature. The word “Blue” acts as a literal water symbol, whilst “Responsibility” represents the responsible handling of the precious resource.

In this context, German suppliers of kitchen, bathroom and installation products will be glad to present their products and solutions to Chinese customers at the KBC 2015. Apart from the high quality kitchen, bathroom and installation products “made in Germany” are also characterized by a modern design. Trends such as wellness, bathrooms for elderly or handicapped people or “bathroom as a living room” become more and more important both in Western and Asian countries.

On behalf of all exhibitors, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) and VDMA-German Engineering Federation wish all participants a successful show and extend a warm welcome to all visitors of the German Pavilion.
