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World Trade and Investment Network

MTA Vietnam 2015

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Date(s) - 07/07/2015 - 10/07/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


MTA Vietnam 2015

Welcome to the official German Presentation at the MTA Vietnam 2015 at the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center.

For the Federal Republic of Germany, economic cooperation with worldwide countries and people is important, and is the reason for Germany`s participation at MTA Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City.

Germany is one of the worldwide leading industrial and trading countries. The Federal Republic of Germany always uses the opportunity of fairs at home and abroad to meet its commitments as an international economic and trading partner.

The German companies have the most modern machine tools and manufacturing systems for metalworking processes in the field of metal cutting and metal forming, cutting tools, clamping and measuring devices, known throughout the world for their reliability, precision and cost-effectiveness. Our strength consists in the fact that German companies offer not only standard solutions but also and in particular high-efficiency machines and manufacturing equipment, modified to suit the individual needs of our customers.

Within the framework of a joint company exhibition export-oriented small and medium-size companies in particular are demonstrating their capabilities. This is an ideal opportunity either for making first contacts or for intensifying established business ties between German companies and Vietnamese and other customers of the entire region.

This year`s MTA Vietnam is one of the most important platform for German companies to show their products on the ASEAN market, and it offers an excellent opportunity for intensifying the relations between Vietnam, the entire region and Germany in the metalworking sector.

At the official German Information Booth our experts will gladly advise you on further possibilities of enlarging your business relations with Germany.

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the AUMA_Association of the German Trade Fair Industry and theGerman Machine Tool Builders` Association (VDW) wish you a pleasant and successful visit to this presentation.
