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World Trade and Investment Network

PPE – Photo Plus Expo 2015

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Date(s) - 22/10/2015 - 24/10/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,New York, USA


PPE – Photo Plus Expo 2015

Welcome to the German Pavilion

“Specialization instead of mass market” is the recipe for the success of German manufacturers of imaging and photo technology. The companies hold their outstanding market position through innovative technologies, customized solutions, specialized niche products, intelligent distribution structures, strategic alliances and a high degree of flexibility and customer focus.

In 2014, German exports to the United States in the area of imaging and photo technology amounted up to 231 million Euros, which is a slight increase of 2,27 percent compared to the year before. Also imports from the USA to Germany have increased in 2014 by 5,37 percent. Justifiably the United States are still the main trading partner for German companies.

10 German companies participate within the German Pavilion at Photo Plus Expo 2015 supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA): Ansmann, Berlebach Stativtechnik, Heliopan, Kaiser Fototechnik, Linhof Präzisions-Systemtechnik, Novoflex Präzisionstechnik, Photo Star, photokina / Koelnmesse GmbH, Rencay and Rodenstock Photo Optics.

The German Pavilion is organized by “Koelnmesse” and initiated by “SPECTARIS”, industry association of the German high-tech industry, representing manufacturers of professional and consumer camera systems, lenses, filters as well as studio technology.

PPE – Photo Plus Expo 2015
