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World Trade and Investment Network

Thessaloniki International Fair, Thessaloniki (Greece)

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Date(s) - 05/09/2015 - 13/09/2015
All Day

Exhibition Centre,Kolkata,India

Categories No Categories

Thessaloniki International Fair, Thessaloniki (Greece)

Dear Sir/Madam,


We are happy to intimate that the India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) will be organizing national Participation in Thessaloniki International Fair to be held at Thessaloniki (Greece) from September 5-13, 2015. It is the leading trade fair of Greece.


Greece is heavily dependent on global imports. Hence, there is a lot of  potential for the other global partners to establish their products in this market. Indian participation in the fair will provide an appropriate platform to explore business opportunities not only in Greece but also in the neighbouring region. Thessaloniki is the second largest city port of Greece and gateway to the

Balkans. More than 1000 companies from about 40 countries participate in this annual event which is organized in an area of 30,000 sq mts (net) and is visited by more than 2,50,000 visitors from Greece and other European countries. India Pavilion will be set up over an area of 400 sq. mtrs. (net) in the fair. The display profile of India Pavilion will include a variety of products/services ranging from Engineering, Jewellery, Textiles, Garments, Home Furnishings, Processed Foods, Spices, Tea, Coffee, Handicrafts, Carpets, Coir, Spices, Tourism and other consumer products.


ITPO offers booths/area with a minimum size of 9 sq. mtrs. Larger space can be booked in multiples of 3 mtrs. or thereof. The package of services includes fully constructed stands, adequate lighting, furniture, standard display aids, services of common interpreters, visa recommendation and general publicity support.


The participation fee has been tentatively proposed @ Rs.12,000/- per sq. mtr (approx.) without shipment facility. For two-side open stand, (subject to availability) 10% extra will be charged. The Fair is governed by general terms and conditions for participation in international trade fairs organized by ITPO. Please confirm your space requirement immediately in the enclosed application form duly filled in along with an advance payment of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) by Demand Draft in favour of ‘India Trade Promotion Organization’ payable at Kolkata. A fact sheet of the event, along with application form and a copy of brief rules and regulations for participation in fairs abroad, is enclosed. Please feel free to contact the undersigned in case of any clarification/queries,

on contact numbers – Landline 033-22825820/2904, Mobile 9874649720, Fax 22828269.



Thanking you,


Yours faithfully

(Rumela Roy)






Thessaloniki International Fair, Thessaloniki (Greece) September 5-13, 2015


Name Thessaloniki International Fair, September 5-13, 2015
Venue International Exhibition & Congress Center of HELEXPO, Thessaloniki


Size of the Exhibition 30,000 sq mtrs (net)


Status of India at the



National Level Participation


Products at display Multi-product Show covering Engineering Products, Jewellery, Textiles,

Home Furnishings, Processed Food, Spices, Tea, Coffee, Handicrafts,

Carpet, Coir Products, Spices, Tourism etc.


Local Currency Euro


Nature of the Show Business to Business (B2B)  &

Business to Consumers (B2C) – Retail Sales Permitted


Size of India Pavilion 400 sq mtr (Hall No. 5)


Participation Fee Rs. 12,000 per sq mt (approx.) For two side open stall 10% extra


Package of Services by ITPO


Fully Built-up booth with standard display aids and furniture, services of

common interpreter, Visa recommendation. (As per last year event)

Shipment of Exhibits including clearance will be handled by








Application Form


Name of the Fair/ Exhibition: Thessaloniki International Fair, Thessaloniki (Greece)

Dates: Sept. 5-13, 2015

Name of the Company  ___________________________________________________________




Tel: ____________________ Fax: _____________________ Email: _______________


Website: ______________________________PAN /TAN NUMBER ____________________

Name & Designation of Key



Are you a registered exporter? (yes/No)_________________________________________________


If yes please attach a photocopy of Registration certificate


Are you registered as small scale industry? If yes, please attach attested copy of Registration



Are you a member of an EPC/Commodity Board? Please specify______________________


Space requirement (in Sq Mtrs) _________Corner Preference (Subject to Availability):



Total turnover of company: _____________ US$ million Export turnover: ______US$ Million


Products for display:


Brief profile of company (not more than 25 words):



Export Performance Countries of Exports Preceding three years

Commodity exported

(Please attach a Charted Accountant’s certificate of Export performance)

Whether you have participated in this fair earlier, if so when?

Display requirements:

Display plan, if any

(On payment basis) Additional requirement

Exclusive telephone in booth:  Any other facility including display aids over and above ITPO’s shell scheme package:


We hereby accept the Rules & Regulations of participation as per copy enclosed. Crossed demand

draft, favoring India Trade Promotion Organization, payable at Kolkata for  INR  : ____________being the amount of participation charges is enclosed.



(Signature of authorized signatory of the Company)



Dated: ______________

Brief Rules and Regulations for Participation in Fair Abroad


  1. Space Booking:

Application in prescribed for participation in overseas activities of ITPO to be submitted within the prescribed date for booking of space. Space is offered in an area of 12 Sq Mtrs and in some cases 15 Sq Mtrs and in multiples of 3 Sq Mtrs thereof.


  1. Allotment of space to the Participants:

Submission of application for booking of space does not automatically confer a right for allotment of space. Approval of application for space will rest with ITPO.


  1. Refund of Participation Fee:

(i) Refund of Participation fee will be considered in case of non-availability of space, rejection of application or in the event of cancellation of participation due to unforeseen circumstances.

(ii) In the event of withdrawal 3 months before the start of the event. 50% (per cent) of  the total participation fee will be considered for refund, if the space is re-allotted.

(iii) No refund will be considered if the withdrawal request is received less than 3 months before the start of the event.


  1. Visa:

(i) ITPO, as a Trade Promotion Organisation, will provide necessary assistance to the representative of the participating company by way of issuance of recommendatory letter to the concerned Mission for obtaining visas. (ii) ITPO shall not be liable in case the concerned Mission of the host/transit country denies visa to a representative of the participating company for any reason. (iii) Since ITPO, on behalf of the participating company, has already committed for certain financial bindings by way of booking of space, construction/decoration of stand, catalogue entry, general publicity support etc., it will not be able to consider any refund on account of denial of visa/delay in receipt of visa.

(iv) Visa recommendation letter will be issued only in favour of the Chief  Executive/Proprietor/Senior Level Officer dealing with exports of the company so that on the sport decision can be taken by them.


  1. General:

(i) Only goods of Indian origin will be allowed for display at India Pavilion.

(ii) In the event of postponement/abandonment/cancellation of the Fair/ Exhibition, or in case of exhibits not being displayed due to any reason beyond the control of the ITPO, it shall not be liable for any loss or liability.

(iii) The space allotted to the approved participants is to be exclusively used by them for display of their exhibits as approved by ITPO. Sub-letting of space is not permissible. Violation of this clause may lead to cancellation of space allotted, forfeiting of space rent, security deposit etc., paid to ITPO and debarring the participant from the future participation in ITPO’s event.

(iv) In case of default of any payment due from the participants, ITPO reserves the right to debar them from participation of ITPO’s Fairs in India and Abroad.

(v) Any dispute or differences arising out of these terms and conditions of participation shall be referred to the Chairman and Managing Director of INDIA TRADE PROMOTION ORGANISATION whose decision of award shall be final and binding.

(vi) The terms and conditions of participation shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts

in the State of Delhi.


Terms & conditions accepted.



Name & Designation


