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Global CEOs Continue to Show Confidence in the United States as a Business Destination

Global CEOs Continue to Show Confidence in the United States as a Business Destination

Fred W. Volcansek, Sr., is the Executive Director of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s SelectUSA Program.

For the fifth year in a row, global business executives have named the United States as the top destination for business investment, according to A.T. Kearney’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index.

This is excellent news, because FDI creates jobs and contributes to economic development across the United States. It is a direct reflection of the appeal of the U.S. economy and how it enables businesses of any size to access a consumer base of 325 million citizens, employ a productive workforce, and take advantage of a culture of innovation.

As excited as I am to share this great news from A.T. Kearney, I’m more excited about what is to come as we create an increasingly business-friendly environment in the United States. As the Trump administration establishes pro-growth policies including trade reform and tax simplification, I expect CEOs to show even more recognition of the promise of investing in the United States.

As businesses continue to target the United States as the launch pad for global growth, our SelectUSA team will be there to support through services such as market research, counseling, and navigating the federal regulatory environment. There is no program better positioned to support economic growth in the United States than SelectUSA.

For companies considering their next investment destination, and for economic development teams looking to attract job-creating business investment, there is no better place to connect than the SelectUSA Investment Summit in June. The actions we are taking to create a period of economic revival in the United States will be on full display, as will many of the nation’s top investment opportunities.

I hope you will join us at the Summit to find growth opportunities and learn about why the United States continues to be a great place to invest. Read more….

Global CEOs Continue to Show Confidence in the United States as a Business Destination
