World Trade & Investment Network

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Why Indian Roots Are Making Waves On Foreign Soil

In 2020, Indian origin companies are making waves in terms of investment growth and in creating jobs in the US. According to a report by a CII survey, 155 companies that have Indian origins have brought in investments of over 22 billion dollars. Vast sums of money have been invested into research and development. Over 900 million dollars have been invested into research in the US. These Indian origin companies are creating roughly 1.25 lakh jobs as well.

The numbers only go onto suggest the imminent flood of investments being made towards Indian based companies not just in the US but all around the world.

While being globally placed as the sixth largest economy in terms of GDP  India has begun to invite sourcing a plethora of projects which not only increases the chances of foreign investment but also aids to growth in GDP for the country. A developing country like India requires a bigger footprint in the global economy to expect progressive increase in the products and services being sourced in the country. If FDIs are anything to come by, productivity of the businesses is paramount to ensure that the demand is met with an adequate supply of a work force and the facilities. Both of these aspects are on the rise and with private firms moving towards involving smaller players to engage in global export and imports, India can expect investment growth in major trading industries and its own economy overall.
