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Singapore – Imports

Singapore – Imports

 SingaporeImports of Singapore

What is the composition of Singapore’s imports?

 Singapore Import-1

What are the top imports of Singapore ?


Sr HS Description Value of Exports Percent of total
1 2710  Refined Petroleum $70,511,134,025.84 23%
2 2709  Crude Petroleum $35,552,947,905.10 12%
3 8542  Integrated Circuits $19,947,148,070.75 6.50%
4 8471  Computers $8,128,440,087.49 2.70%
5 2711  Petroleum Gas $6,116,846,194.61 2.00%
6 8525  Broadcasting Equipment $5,808,723,042.86 1.90%
7 8473  Office Machine Parts $4,960,437,574.34 1.60%
8 8803  Aircraft Parts $4,143,229,645.35 1.40%
9 8517  Telephones $3,644,572,044.15 1.20%
10 7113  Jewellery $3,443,994,264.12 1.10%
11 8901  Passenger and Cargo Ships $3,420,950,128.32 1.10%
12 8411  Gas Turbines $3,081,521,045.87 1.00%
13 7108  Gold $2,742,949,663.22 0.90%
14 8479  Machinery Having Individual Functions $2,361,243,263.50 0.77%
15 8541  Semiconductor Devices $2,360,565,846.98 0.77%
16 8443  Industrial Printers $2,210,725,843.87 0.72%
17 8905  Special Purpose Ships $2,191,289,453.89 0.72%
18 8431  Excavation Machinery $2,178,312,352.71 0.71%
19 8536  Low-voltage Protection Equipment $2,074,989,779.60 0.68%
20 3901  Ethylene Polymers $2,045,687,406.11 0.67%


Who are the top countries of origin for Singapore ?


Sr Code Country Name Value of Imports Percent of total
1 CHN  China $37,130,789,064.89 12%
2 MYS  Malaysia $31,003,655,290.04 10%
3 KOR  South Korea $25,596,214,995.00 8.40%
4 USA  United States $21,754,320,521.56 7.10%
5 JPN  Japan $19,346,680,914.05 6.30%
6 IDN  Indonesia $19,270,764,878.00 6.30%
7 SAU  Saudi Arabia $15,324,619,895.00 5.00%
8 ARE  United Arab Emirates $13,567,787,630.85 4.40%
9 IND  India $12,343,587,100.73 4.00%
10 DEU  Germany $8,922,977,814.62 2.90%
11 THA  Thailand $8,625,569,718.03 2.80%
12  Other Asia $6,928,689,656.27 2.30%
13 QAT  Qatar $6,710,324,252.31 2.20%
14 NLD  Netherlands $6,591,478,539.78 2.20%
15 FRA  France $6,546,214,501.79 2.10%
16 GBR  United Kingdom $6,290,785,841.97 2.10%
17 AUS  Australia $5,014,752,527.73 1.60%
18 CHE  Switzerland $4,424,281,562.16 1.40%
19 KWT  Kuwait $4,215,318,411.26 1.40%
20 PHL  Philippines $3,877,353,625.40 1.30%


Statistics sourced from The Observatory of Economic Complexity.


Singapore continues to strengthen its local production capabilities, and diversify its export markets.

Are you looking to source products from Singapore ?  Need guidance and linkages to export sources.  Click here to send your questions.




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